1. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Tagliaferro E, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2024). Comparison of Factors Associated with the Evidence-Practice Gap as Perceived by Japanese and Brazilian Dentists. Journal of Dentistry 149:105255.

2. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Tagliaferro E, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2024). The Evidence-practice Gap in Minimal Intervention Dentistry: An International Comparison Between Dentists in Japan and Brazil. Operative Dentistry 49(2):127-135.

3. Yokoyama Y, Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2023). Causes of the evidence-practice gap and its association with the effects of minimal intervention dentistry education to clinicians. Operative Dentistry 48:137-145.

4. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Takata T, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2021). Web-based intervention to improve the evidence-practice gap in minimal intervention dentistry: Findings from a dental practice-based research network. Journal of Dentistry 115:103854. 

5. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Yamazaki H, Touge T, Fujikawa Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2020). Evidence-practice Gap in Minimal Intervention Dentistry: Findings from a Dental Practice-based Research Network. Journal of Dentistry 102:103469

6. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2019). Dentists' practice patterns of treatment for deep occlusal caries: Findings from a dental practice-based research network. Journal of Dentistry 84:76-80

7. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Riley JL 3rd, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2019). Practice-based research agenda priorities selected by patients: findings from a dental practice-based research network. International Dental Journal 69(3):183-191. 
[This paper was introduced and summarized in "British Dental Journal (2019; 227(2):113)".]

8. Yokoyama Y, Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2018). Dentist's distress in the management of chronic pain control: the example of TMD pain in a Dental Practice-based Research Network. Medicine 97(1):e9553. 

9. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH, Velly AM, Schiffman EL (2017). Dentist practice patterns and therapeutic confidence in the treatment of pain related to temporomandibular disorders in a dental practice-based research network. Journal of Oral and Facial Pain and Headache 31(2):152-158. 

10. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2017). Use of clinical practice guidelines by dentists: findings from the Japanese Dental Practice-Based Research Network. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 23(1):96-101. 

11. Yokoyama Y, Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gilbert GH, Gordan VV (2016). Evidence-practice Gap for Dental Sealant Application: Results from a Dental Practice-based Research Network in Japan. International Dental Journal 66(6):330-336. 

12. Yokoyama Y, Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gilbert GH, Gordan VV (2016)Practice-Evidence Gap for In-office Fluoride Application in a Dental Practice-based Research Network. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 76(2):91-97. 

13. Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Yokoyama Y, Riley JL 3rd, Gilbert GH, Gordan VV (2015). Dentists’ decisions to conduct caries risk assessment in a Dental Practice-Based Research Network. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 43(2):128-134. 

14. Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Yokoyama Y, Gilbert GH, Gordan VV (2014). Dentists' decisions about occlusal caries treatment thresholds in Dental PBRN. Operative dentistry 39(5):473-480. 

15. Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Yokoyama Y (2013). The Development of the Japanese Dental Practice-Based Research Network. Journal of the Pakistan Dental Association 21(3): 162-163 [Guest editorial]. 

16. Yokoyama Y, Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gilbert GH, Gordan VV (2013).   Dentists Practice Patterns and the Promoting Factors of Preventive Dentistry in a Dental Practice-Based Research Network. BMJ Open 3(9):e003227. 

17. Yokoyama Y, Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gilbert GH, Gordan VV (2013). Dentists' dietary perception and practice patterns in a dental practice-based research network. PLoS One 8(3):e59615. 

18. Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Manabe K, Yokoyama Y, Gilbert GH, Gordan VV (2012). Restorative Treatment Thresholds for Proximal Caries in Dental PBRN. Journal of Dental Research 91:1202-1208. 


1. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Yamazaki H, Touge T, Fujikawa Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH. Assessment of the Evidence-practice Gap on Minimal Intervention Dentistry. 98th General Session of the IADR, Washington DC, USA (abstract only due to the worldwide COVID-19 outbreak, 2020).

2. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH. Dentists’ Practice Patterns of Treatment for Deep Occlusal Caries. 97th General Session of the IADR, Vancouver, Canada (June 2019). 

3. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Riley JL III, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH. Practice-based research agenda priorities selected by PBRN patients. 47th AADR Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Fort Lauderdale, U.S.A. (March, 2018).

4. Kakudate N, Hamann S, Gilbert GH,Gordan VV. Successes and challenges in accessing US research infrastructure for dental practice-based research by Japan.  2017 International Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM). Brussels, Belgium (July 2017).

5. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gordan VV, GilbertGH, Velly AM, Schiffman EL. Dentist practice patterns and therapeutic confidence in TMD-related pain treatment. 95th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, San Francisco, U.S.A. (March 2017) 

6. Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Yokoyama Y, GilbertGH, Gordan VV. Evidence-Practice Gap for Sealant Application: Results from a Dental PBRN. 45th AADR Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Los Angeles, U.S.A. (March, 2016) 

7. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, GilbertGH, Gordan VV. Dentist diagnosis and treatment decisions for defective restorations. 93th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, Boston, U.S.A. (March 2015) 

8. Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Yokoyama Y, Riley JL III, GilbertGH, Gordan VV.Caries prevention agents: difference between US and Japanese Dental PBRNs. 43thAADR Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Charlotte, U.S.A. (March 2014) 

9. Yokoyama Y, Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gilbert GH, Gordan VV. Dentists’ Dietary Perception and Practice Patterns in a Dental Practice-Based Research Network. The American Society for Nutrition for the 77th Scientific Sessions and Annual Meeting in conjunction with Experimental Biology, Boston, U.S.A. (April, 2013)

10. Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Yokoyama Y, GilbertGH, Gordan VV. Patient age and dentists’ decisions in occlusal caries treatment thresholds. 91st General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, Seattle, U.S.A. (March 2013)

11. Kakudate N, Sumida F, Manabe K, Matsumoto Y, GilbertGH, Gordan VV. Restorative treatment thresholdsfor interproximal primary caries based on radiographic images: differences between DPBRN and JDPBRN. The Annual Practice Based Research Networks (PBRN) Conference, Bethesda, U.S.A (June, 2012)


1. Kakudate N. Introduction to Evidence-Based Dentistry. Kyoto: Nagasue Shoten, Inc. 2015. (in Japanese)

2. Yokoyama, Y., Kakudate, N., Sumida, F. & Matsumoto, Y. (2014). Dietary Evidence in a Dental Practice–Based Research Network. EpidemiologyⅠ- Theory, Research and Practice. ISBN:978-1-922227-33-1. iConcept Press.

3. Kakudate N. Guide to practice-based research and scientificwriting. Tokyo: Ishiyaku Publishers, Inc. 2011. (in Japanese).

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

1. Kakudate N, Hamann S, Gilbert GH,Gordan VV. Successes and challenges in accessing US research infrastructure for dental practice-based research by Japan.  2017 International Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM). Full paper is avalable at : https://appam.confex.com/appam/int17/webprogram/Paper20445.html

2. Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Manabe K, Masaki K, Tsugihashi Y, Kakudate N, for the Dental PBRN Japan Collaborative Group. Japanese Journal of Dental Practice-Based Research 2012:1;7-10.

3. Sumida F, Matsumoto Y. News & Report 2nd JDPBRN Annual Meeting. Dental Outlook 2013:121 (5);987.


1. 2016 Kansai Alumni Association Academic Meeting, School of Dentistry, Hokkaido University, 2016.  "Apply evidence into dental practice: development of the hybrid-type dentist"

2. The 142nd Meeting of the Japanese Society of Conservative Dentistry, 2015. "Creating the Evidence: Development of the Hybrid-Type Dentist"

3. The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Dental Education Association, 2013. "Sending Out Evidence To The World: Development of the Hybrid-Type Dentist"

4. 2nd Asian Congress on Dental Education & Research (ACDER), 2013. "Evidence-Based Dentistry & Dental Practice-Based Research"

5. Faculty Development Seminar of Hokkaido University Graduate School of Dental Medicine/School of Dental Medicine, 2012. "Sending out evidence from dental practice−Dental Practice-Based Research−"

6. Alumni Association of Hokkaido University Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Dept. of Oral Functional Science, Pediatric and Disabled Person Dentistry, 2010. "New trend indental clinical research—Dental Practice-Based Research"


1. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2020-2024.

2. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2016-2020.

3. Grant-in-Aid for Organizing Conference, Takeda ScienceFoundation, 2010.