1. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Tagliaferro E, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2024). Comparison of Factors Associated with the Evidence-Practice Gap as Perceived by Japanese and Brazilian Dentists. Journal of Dentistry 149:105255.
2. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Tagliaferro E, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2024). The Evidence-practice Gap in Minimal Intervention Dentistry: An International Comparison Between Dentists in Japan and Brazil. Operative Dentistry 49(2):127-135.
3. Yokoyama Y, Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2023). Causes of the evidence-practice gap and its association with the effects of minimal intervention dentistry education to clinicians. Operative Dentistry 48:137-145.
4. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Takata T, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2021). Web-based intervention to improve the evidence-practice gap in minimal intervention dentistry: Findings from a dental practice-based research network. Journal of Dentistry 115:103854.
5. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Yamazaki H, Touge T, Fujikawa Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2020). Evidence-practice Gap in Minimal Intervention Dentistry: Findings from a Dental Practice-based Research Network. Journal of Dentistry 102:103469.
6. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2019). Dentists' practice patterns of treatment for deep occlusal caries: Findings from a dental practice-based research network. Journal of Dentistry 84:76-80.
7. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Riley JL 3rd, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2019). Practice-based research agenda priorities selected by patients: findings from a dental practice-based research network. International Dental Journal 69(3):183-191.
[This paper was introduced and summarized in "British Dental Journal (2019; 227(2):113)".]
8. Yokoyama Y, Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2018). Dentist's distress in the management of chronic pain control: the example of TMD pain in a Dental Practice-based Research Network. Medicine 97(1):e9553.
9. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH, Velly AM, Schiffman EL (2017). Dentist practice patterns and therapeutic confidence in the treatment of pain related to temporomandibular disorders in a dental practice-based research network. Journal of Oral and Facial Pain and Headache 31(2):152-158.
10. Kakudate N, Yokoyama Y, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gordan VV, Gilbert GH (2017). Use of clinical practice guidelines by dentists: findings from the Japanese Dental Practice-Based Research Network. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 23(1):96-101.
11. Yokoyama Y, Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gilbert GH, Gordan VV (2016). Evidence-practice Gap for Dental Sealant Application: Results from a Dental Practice-based Research Network in Japan. International Dental Journal 66(6):330-336.
12. Yokoyama Y, Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gilbert GH, Gordan VV (2016). Practice-Evidence Gap for In-office Fluoride Application in a Dental Practice-based Research Network. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 76(2):91-97.
13. Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Yokoyama Y, Riley JL 3rd, Gilbert GH, Gordan VV (2015). Dentists’ decisions to conduct caries risk assessment in a Dental Practice-Based Research Network. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 43(2):128-134.
14. Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Yokoyama Y, Gilbert GH, Gordan VV (2014). Dentists' decisions about occlusal caries treatment thresholds in Dental PBRN. Operative dentistry 39(5):473-480.
15. Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Yokoyama Y (2013). The Development of the Japanese Dental Practice-Based Research Network. Journal of the Pakistan Dental Association 21(3): 162-163 [Guest editorial].
16. Yokoyama Y, Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gilbert GH, Gordan VV (2013). Dentist’s Practice Patterns and the Promoting Factors of Preventive Dentistry in a
Dental Practice-Based Research Network. BMJ Open 3(9):e003227.
17. Yokoyama Y, Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Gilbert GH, Gordan VV (2013). Dentists' dietary perception and practice patterns in a dental practice-based research network. PLoS One 8(3):e59615.
18. Kakudate N, Sumida F, Matsumoto Y, Manabe K, Yokoyama Y, Gilbert GH, Gordan VV (2012). Restorative Treatment Thresholds for Proximal Caries in Dental PBRN. Journal of Dental Research 91:1202-1208.
1. 日米Dental PBRN国際共同研究No.1 「Assessment of Caries Diagnosis and Caries treatment(う蝕の診断と治療の評価に関する研究)」フィードバックPartⅠ(2015年6月)
1. 日本歯科保存学会編.う蝕治療ガイドライン第2版.2015年.
同ガイドラインにおけるクリニカルクエスチョン「切削の対象となるのはどの程度に進行したう蝕か」において「Restorative Treatment Thresholds for Proximal Caries in Dental PBRN. Journal of Dental Research 91:1202-1208.」の結果が引用されました。本論文の詳細については「研究結果のフィードバックPart Ⅰ」を参照してください。
2. 日本口腔衛生学会教育委員会.歯科集団検診における歯冠部う蝕の検出基準と事後措置―指針策定に向けて―.口腔衛生学会雑誌 66(1): 39-45, 2016.
「Restorative Treatment Thresholds for Proximal Caries in Dental PBRN. Journal of DentalResearch 91:1202-1208.」ならびに「Dentists' decisions about occlusal caries treatment thresholds in Dental PBRN. Operative dentistry 39(5):473-480.」の概要が引用されています。
1.歯科診療に基づく研究−Dental Practice-Based Research−. 歯界展望119巻4号〜120巻3号、2012-2013.
1. 隅田 太、松本祐樹、眞鍋圭介、工藤真幸、次橋幸男、角舘直樹, for the Dental PBRN Japan Collaborative Group. 日本歯科診療研究雑誌1巻、7-10頁、2012.
2. 隅田 太、松本祐樹:News & Report 第2回Dental PBRN Japan (JDPBRN) 学術大会. 歯界展望121巻5号、987頁、2013.
1. 世界のエビデンスを臨床にいかす―ハイブリッド型歯科医師の育成―.
2. 「エビデンスを創るーハイブリッド型歯科医師の育成に向けてー」
第142回日本歯科保存学会春季学術大会 シンポジウム(2015年6月)
3. 「現場から世界へエビデンスを発信 ─ハイブリッド型歯科医師の育成─」
第32回日本歯科医学教育学会総会・学術大会 教育講演(2013年7月)
4. 「Evidence-Based Dentistry & Dental Practice-Based Research」
2ndAsian Congress on Dental Education & Research (2013年3月)
5. 「歯科診療からエビデンスを発信−Dental Practice-Based Research−」
6. 「予防歯科診療から臨床研究へ」
7. 「新しい歯科医学研究の潮流Dental Practice-Based Research―臨床の疑問から臨床研究へ―」北海道大学小児歯科学講座同門会特別講演(2010年7月)
1. 「エビデンス―診療ギャップの発生機序解明および改善方策立案のための国際比較研究」:日本学術振興会: 基盤研究(C)、2020-2024.
2. 「Evidence-Practice Gapに関する国際比較研究および教育介入研究」:日本学術振興会: 基盤研究(C)、2016-2020.
3. 「Dental Practice-Based Research Network研究会」開催支援助成金: 武田科学振興財団、2010-2011.